Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Nail Magic and Alta Silica Week Three

This is the beginning of week three of me using both the famous NailMagic and Alta Silica tablets. My nails are significantly stronger but they're still peeling and breaking at the tips. The directions of the NailMagic does say that the nails may break as they are growing out. I've also noticed that the polish itself has started to come off the nail tips more easily.

Overall I am pleased with the progress of my nail growth and strength. The NailMagic appears to be acting as a fortifier and almost like a glue. Because the layers of my nails seem to be merging together whereas before it was even possible to see the layers seperated.  

I have been using the Alta Silica tablets along with the NailMagic. I'm doing this in order to do a wholistic approach to nail care-the inner and the outer at the same time. What use is it to use NailMagic when the internal reason that my nails are weak and splitting still persists? Hopefully using both products in congruence will alleviate any and all nail issues I have and have had. 

Do note the pics that accompany this article. As a DIY nail artist *ahem lol* I realize the importance of regular manicures. Contrary to popular belief making sure ones nails are manicured is not just a matter of beauty, it is a matter of hygiene. It's important to manicure your nails while adhering to any nail treatment. 

Goodnight glamazons! 
#theglamourwarrior #theglamourgladiator #glamgladiator #glamwarrior #otaymah 

Here is my DIY manicure station. All ready for my digits. I call my nails my previous dewdrops. #dewdrops

This is the NailMagic and Alta Silica tablets. As you can see I left the price on there. Just in case anyone was wondering at the cost. NailMagic is roughly $8 at Sally Beauty Supply. 

Here are both of my nails butt naked! *gasp! Lol. So you can see the state of the nails. 

Here I am soaking for my nails' lives. Notice 'Scandal' playing on my iPad mini in the background. #scandal #gladiators in suits

Here's is the finished result after two coats of NailMagic. Voila!

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